0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


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+ 1
This is a beautiful song. Its basically about two different people who are crazy about someone and they are trying to tell the person that living without them is like living in a world without air. They want the other to not realize how they feel so they sing to their love to try and explain what is going through their mind. This song is great because so many people can relate to this feeling whether it be about a bf/gf, husband/wife, or crush. Even I feel this way about someone. Love is such a mysterious and powerful thing.
+ 3
I love this song and it describes how quite suddenly a true and pure love ended. Sort of like what happened to me and a guy that I truly loved with all my heart. But then he went n cut me down by getting with an ex gf of his. I wanna shout out to Bearose: don't worry and just keep your head up. I think it is absolutely beautiful that your love for him is still strong. Never lose hope and just kno there are people in this world that will be more than willing to listen if you have something you wanna talk about including me.
+ 2
I absolutely love this song. I dedicated this to a guy I was crazy about. He was definitely my addiction. I was so strung out for him and when I was near him I could barely move. It was the most amazing thing I had ever been through. Unfortunately he decided to get back with his ex instead of stay with me. It was a really sad time. Too bad things had to end between me n the guy: '(I gotta give Carterdev a shout- out on his comment; that's a real sweet thing dude.
+ 13
Omg I absolutely love this song! The song is basically saying that her guy of interest is so different and amazing to her that he may as well be an alien coming from another world. This song is really incredible in the sense that the song has its own hypnotic rhythm and lyrics. It is also really deep in how she explains how she is feeling for this guy *cough-cough* her hubby russel brand. So cute that they are so in love.
+ 6
I love this song! I heard it on the radio at first but I heard it again at a sadies dance. Now everytime I hear this song I think of the dance and when I was dancing with a guy that I was in love with. Thanks to this song ill never forget when he n I were dancing together. When we danced it was one of the best moments in my life.
+ 2
I love this song: D it really reminds me of what I'm going through rite with a guy that I'm in love with. I guess you could say that we broke up and he ended up getting back with his ex gf and lately I've been trying to get over him but just today I realized that I'm just a little too not over him. : '(kinda sad but I'm really trying.
+ 2
This song really relates to me at the moment because as of today, my first love completely broke my heart and got back with an ex-gf of his. He tried to make me feel better by telling me that he still cares about me but it is still hard to think that he got back with a girl that has broken his heart so many times. While I still feel resentful towards him, I am worried that he will get hurt again. But he's just "runnin' round leavin' scars" and he tore my love apart. But I still wish him the best. Good luck my first love.
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