Well, according to the band, this album is the continuation of the previous album. In this scene, the men who was killed by her love in the previous album, returns from hell for her love. To get revenge. In this song in particularly, I think the man has found his love/killer and tells her, practically, that for everything that she did to him, she will get a lifetime (of suffering, I'll guess). And according to what the song's lyrics tells us, is pretty much a similar story, a guy gets killed [?] and comes back from the dead, to "take her home with him" and "take back the life she stole". And the part when he "Climbs out of the hole she put him in" (that wasn't deep enough, apparently) probably means that this woman tricked him (she doesn't want to face the guy, obviously), but it didn't work and now she's "running out of places to hide from him". Anyway, I would guess, by how the song ends, that the two lovers, finally met again, and will me together (maybe not the best idea, but wth.)
It's a great song, one of my favorites, btw.