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+ 1
Sorry Hayely. I never knew your life had been panned out that way. That really sucks. I'm right there though, I'm adopted, and my biological mother died so I have no chance of really "knowing" her. And I can't stand my biological dad, so I could care less about him. Ish. Your facade works though. You always look so fudgen happy, it's like nothing tradgic has ever happened in yout life. Good job, I learn from you. You're most definately one of my heroes. You guys should come play a concert in Oklahoma.! @>--,--'--
+ 9
"elias265" & "quardhotty" You both have a good point, but really these obsessive girls are never gonna listen. They're gonna read what you wrote, then try to prove you wrong. No one knows him really. They know he's goregous and that he sings, but no one really "knows" him. You all are gonna listen to his music. Read the bs in the mags, then try to find out all that you can to become his "biggest fan" when really all you're gonna be is his biggest gossip chick. Someone to be avoided. Anoying at most. Give the kid a fudgen break, I mean really. He's going through enough at his age, which is like what, 15, 16? Not 30! So lil girls about the age of 12, 13, 14 give up, he's not a cradle snatcher. Sorry. Nad if anyone answers that rehitorical question on his age, I'm gonna pin you as his personal stalker, I'm just sayin.
+ 1
"injuredhart07" I love you to peices! You're right that is true sacrifice when you can let someone theoretically murder you, and just sit by and watch it happen, only because you love them. I've had to do that before as well, and it truly sucks bawls! Believe me. But it's what we do for the one's we love. . Think of it this way though. If you love them enough you would let them go, wouldn't you?
+ 3
Justin Bieber is human people! Jebus! *(Justin if you're reading this anytime soon, you make amazing music. And I hope you get that special girl whomever she may be. I write songs and poems and novels all the time, and most of the time for someone to want to read them they have to connect. - Well I connect with a lot of your music, I like the accoustic ones. You're an amazing artist stick around for awhile. ~Carol Elizebeth~.
+ 4
This song is about how niki (his Ex) keeps breaking him but he won't let her go. She keeps doing things to deny him. At first she got him hooked that's pretty normal; but instead of chasing him back like he was chasing her, she pushes him farther away. She breaks his heart over and over again, but he's inlove with her, so he'll never give up, He'll wait for her forever. Beautiful song, But I have no idea why you would give this song to a lover. .? Maybe an ex that you still love. Interesting.
+ 2
Everyone you're missing the point! No offense, but really? Come on now! Yes this song is about the beloved passed on band member casey, But it's explaining more than that. They're having a hard time getting by people! "Rescue me from everything, I just wanna live I wish I could breath" They have a lot of pressure on their backs, hence the name "fragile future", They're trying but without a screamer they're gonna be deemed failures. Are you really gonna be the ones to critisize them? Think about it. If no one else cared about what happened with Casey, if the press' never brought it up; would any of you ever have cared? It's just a trend to you! I love you Hawthorne Heights and family. Good luck with everything and because you're my all time favorite, no matter how much you may fade to everyone else I'll still be at every concert slose to my proxcimaty. (or however you spell it). R>I>P Casey Calvert.
+ 2
We love you casey! And to everyone else in Hawthorne Heights, sorry for your insane loss. Okay time for my meaning. This song to me is saying someone played far too much and this is how the other person gets over them. "Instead of flowers like words that never mattered" Who would write that without a broken heart in mind? Hawthorne Heights ~ you're truly amazing. Every song they write has an insanely intelligent meaning behind it, only people never get passed their look to peer into the music. Thanks Guys:)
+ 5
So here's my story. Sorry if it's annoying!*) So I was with this dude his name was Cody Ryan Gehrer, From Guthrie. And we became really close, or atleast in my eyes we were. He dated my best friends, and helped me with a ton of family issues. We were best friends, but then we dated. The first time I broke up with him because all the family issues became to much to bare! But he was still there and after awhile we dated again. Long story short ~ people are not who they appear to be! Watch your back! *((*
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