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Dear Reader, David Tennant's Doctor went through so much and he grew as that Doctor and even though he will still be the Doctor but it's not just that. Almost everything that could change in him changes. His voice, hair, personality etc. The only thing that doesn't change is his identity. Like he said regenerating is just as bad as dying because all of him that one doctor goes away and an almost new man. I do like Matt, he's funny, did you know that Matt would have quit just because he had to eat the fish fingers and custard? The only reason he stayed is because of the pay, I didn't believe it either because secretly I love fish fingers and custard. I'm stranger than Beatrix Lastrange as my friend Hunter says. I need to stop typing because I know I'm annoying you with my friends puns although I enjoy them. Bye, Eragon the Timelord
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Happy llama,
Sad llama,
Mentally disturbed llama,
Super llama,
Drama llama,
Big fat mama llama
Happy llama, sure, Sad llama, maybe, what about a sexy llama? That would be nice. Nope, there is a mentally disturbed llama, a super llama? Na oh look a drama llama, there is also a big fat mama llama. That might mean its over fed or pregnant. Drama llama, paint her hooves pink. Super llama is SUPER MAN!!!!!!! Awww, that llama is sad. Mentally disturbed llama, I like the happy llama.
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In the blood of the lamb
The blood of Jesus was shed, he was the sin that knew no sin, a sacrifice just to save us, I love Jesus because he saved us from our sinful lives. You've got to say "Yay Jesus!" for that.
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Easter Egg
Sally Sparrow's DVDs had an Easter Egg on them, The Doctor had put them on the DVDs so that he could tell her about the Weeping Angles. "Don't blink, blink and you're dead, they are fast, faster than you could ever imagine." He told her.
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the Master.

A White Point Star was a type of a diamond found only on the planet Gallifrey. The Time Lords, whilst time-locked in the Last Great Time War, sought a means to escape their imprisonment and their destruction. Lord President Rassilon used the Master to escape into the universe. However, whilst the link was present in his mind, there was no physical link, so Rassilon sent a small White Point Star Diamond through the time-lock to establish one. The Master recovered it and used it to bring the Time Lords and Gallifrey into the universe once more. It was shot at by the Tenth Doctor with Wilfred Mott's gun in the End of Time.
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You will always save his life.
Hold on now, not long to
Wilfred Mott is the maternal grandfather of the Tenth Doctor's companion Donna Noble, and father of character Sylvia Noble. A believer in extraterrestrial life himself, Wilfred was proud of his granddaughter's adventures and helped to keep them a secret from her overbearing mother. Wilfred later became the Tenth Doctor's final companion in The End of Time.
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