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Rihanna – Rehab
Jul 27, 2009
- -1
This song is about being in love then getting ur heart broken and learning how to fix ur heart. This song reminds me a lot of what I have been through recently. I met this guy and he told me he loved me but really he didn't and all he did was use me. It hurts me a lot, but I know I have to be strong for my heart and move on.
+ 4
I think this song is about a girl that went through a really bad break-up with her boyfriend and she is waiting for another guy to come along and wake her up and being her back to life again. I can totally relate to this song because I went through the same thing. It speaks for itself when it says "wake me up inside, call my name and save me from the dark" it is basically saying she wants to be saved.
+ 2
I love this song! I am guessing that it means that this guy and this girl are in a long distance relationship and they don't really get to see each other that much and the girl is starting to lose faith that she wont be able to ever get to see him. Where it says "Believe in me I know you've waited for so long" pretty much means that he is telling her that they will be together someday.
+ 2
This song is basically about this girl who cheated on her boyfriend and she regrets doing it and she wishes she could change the past and take back what she did, but in the end she knows she can't, and where it says" how do you cry when every tear you shed, wont ever bring him back again" means that no matter how many tears she cries it wont bring him back and make him love her again.
+ 10
This song is about your ex, and no matter how hard you try to tell them you love them and you care about them and you need to be with them it doesn't matter because they could honestly care less about you, and what happens to you. This song reminds me of my ex because I felt that after he left, there is a big hole in my heart that can never be filled, and no matter how hard I try he will never come back and I have no choice but to move on no matter how much it hurts me inside.
+ 4
This song is about doing bad things you know you shouldn't be doing but you can't seem so stop yourself ever from doing them. You know its not right but still you do it and in doing so you dig yourself a hole you can't get out of. And your inner self the one that was once good is gone now and your evil side has come out and taken over. I can really relate to this song because I act like this all the time and its so hard for me to change my ways.
+ 13
I really love this song. It means to lose yourself completly and allowing other people pressure you how into how you should act and what you should do and not what you should do with your life, and in the process of it all you lose your former self. You slowly become numb and can't feel anything at all inside but emptyness, and you also become a totally different person all together.
+ 4
I can totally relate to this song! I listen to it a lot and it reminds me of me how I let everyone change me and infulence me into doing things I don't wanna do but I do anyway. I know its bad but sooner or later I'm gonna have to step up and take control of my life. Amy Lee has such a great voice and she is like my role model because I feel like she went through the things I am currently going through right now in my life.
+ 14
This is a song that means losing someone you loved so much and even though they are gone you can't seem to forget about them no matter how hard you try to. I love this song, but it makes me cry everytime I hear it, because of my ex bf. This song reminds me of my ex boyfriend. He hurt me bad but I just have to let go and move on.
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