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+ 3
Sometimes when we fail at something we may try to get others to succeed where we have failed because we feel that in their success we will erase our failure. However, in doing so, we may lose sight of the fact that perhaps our mission is a mistake, at least in this new context. It can all become quite meaningless when it is all tied up in someone's weak ego. When we berate our successors for continuing to fail, we set them up to repeat the pattern.
+ 5
Many times our hearts don't make logical sense to us. Our mind seeks to make sense of it and when it doesn't, our heart persists. When it wins in these cases, we suddenly realize the great beauty and power of our hearts because it is all pure heart without anything else mixed in. We feel powerless and yet powerful at the same time because we have allowed our heart free reign and the physical and mental become "transparent". Sometimes this only lasts for a moment because the mundane parts of life bring us back down to earth but it is such an intense moment that we never forget it.
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