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+ 4
Voiceofonecrying, obviously you need to tune up your ears when you are listening to this sub-genre of christian rock. There are many people, like myself and others, that can understand the lyrics and the words by listening to the song without reading the lyrics. To say that tdwp's music brings about the presence of Satan is blasphemy. Tdwpwcarftw is correct in his statement about the Old Testament. It does state that God accepts praise in the form of loud music and banging drums. He wants his praise to be heard outside of Cathedrals, he wants to hear it all the way to the Heavens. And if you read the Old Testament again, you would see that God does unleash vengeance. Ever hear of Noah and the Ark? The whole 40 days and 40 nights of rain, where God killed off the entire populace of the known Earth, saving only Noah's family and a male and female of every animal on earth? That is absolute vengeance my friend, maybe you should reexamine your belief structure and realize that although you don't understand the way these guys praise our Lord, they are doing so. Would you have the same opinion about somebody singing in Latin, because I know I cannot understand a word of Latin, can you?
+ 4
First off, tdw is a Christian band. The whole "breaking up w/ someone" thiing is wrong. Lets start with "I wish to turn around and return" Meaning return to God. The part in parantheses can be ignored. Next line means that the calling of God is impossible to deny. Skip to "To the road, your freedom is awesome" means the freedom of Christ is awesome. Conviction is ust another word for faith. Figure that part out yourself. Convictions are engraved by words, meaning that one measures their belief with their words. "To what's true, I offer thanks. I've found what's pure and I've found what's sweet. We are not barren." Mike is saying that God is what is true, and he is thanking Him for that. Christ is pure and sweet. Again, he loves our Lord and Savior. "We are not barren" Means even when we are alone, we are not devoid of anything, because we always have God with us.
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