So, this song definitely has many meanings. But, it has a big meaning in my life. To be honest, it was one of my breakup songs. I was at school. We were in lunch and I asked one of my friends to get my boyfriend (at the time). Turns out he told her that he was breaking up with me. So, it really crushed me because he told a bunch of other people he was breaking up with me but, he didn't tell me. So, we went outside for recess and I to be honest was very mad. So, I went up to him to confront him. But, he kept walking away for me which upset me even more. So, finally I got a hold of him and asked him why he would go to a bunch of other people and tell them that he was breaking up with me. But, wouldn't tell me to my face. So, I asked him to tell me why he was breaking up with me. He then looked at the ground and said "You're not my type." Which the fact that he looked at the ground and told me upset me a lot more. So, he then finally looked me in the eyes and told me again. I then had study hall, and I listened to this song. I started to cry because I understood what Adele was feeling and I felt the same thing. So, to listen to someone sing about the way I felt kind of made me feel horrible because I didn't understand why he would ask me out then in 2 weeks tell me I wasn't his type. It confused me that he would say I wasn't his type but, he asked me out. So, that's the big meaning that this song has in my life.