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This is such a inspiring love song. Against all past odds & belief systems Love can conquor! Don't we all love that as cornball as it seems?! The cliche themes are always the most relative. And this is no Exception -S'cuse the pun! I love this song heaps at the moment cos it's reflective of how I feel about this new guy in my life right now. After having not had anyone for ten years & "keepin a comfortable distance" from my last failed relationship in which I thought there was love, I didn't think I was going to find the real thing. But was "Content with the Loneliness". And then Dan came along & an exceptionally amazing thing happened. We fell in love. Real love! Its been 6mths & 'the Fairy Dust is still in flight'. I'm ever reminded of how I much I love him by songs like this one! And I relish in playing it on my guitar singing it over & over!
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