0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


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- -1
with me?"
She said, "Never in
Basically in guy language (for some dudes not all (yeah right)), this means "Wanna have a one night stand which contains more than more that one round of awesome sex and never ever. Speak see or look at each other again." Yup that sounds about right.

+ 2
This entire song is about self-esteem. If you have the ability to recognize your own beauty you have the ability to do the hardest thing in creation. Accept yourself. Everyone has flaws but as long as you can recognize the bad AND the good you have the power to do anything you wanna do, be anything you wanna be, and succeed in anything you wanna succeed in. That is why I admire Fifth Harmony and their song even if they are missing one thing... ME!
+ 3
You'd be rich, looking good
It's your profession
"It ain't bragging if you know it's true"
This means that she knows that she is beautiful and she isn't bragging about it. Just simply stating facts about herself.

(Even I have to admit she's hot.)
- 0
I ain’t the way you remember me ([Normani:] Remember me)
She has changed. She has learnt from the break up and has adapted. For better or for worse. But the change has happened either way.
- 0
My eyes are finally dry
This means she is done crying over him and is ready to move on with her life in all aspects.
+ 7
My body's telling
All the secrets I ain't told you
This means that every time she is around him her feeling run wild and she is around him she get butterfly or flustered and blushes like crazy. And her secret is her feelings about him.
+ 9
Cause I'm missing more than just your body
He is saying that it not about the sex and the other intimate stuff but he just simply misses her for her.
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