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+ 4
Love Love this tune. Meaning seems pretty obvious. The difference between man and the angels is that God gve Man free will. The angers are servants. So here are the angels on the sidelines watching man f**k everything up in his own ignorance, They are shaking their heads in disbelieve at how illogical mankind is. Repugnant is a creature who would squander the ability to lift an eye to heaven conscious of his fleeting time here. One of the best lines I have ever heard in a song. Very clever song.
- 0
The human rectum is 3 to 4 degrees warmer than the vagina. You can read the lyrics now with that in mind and get the overall message of the song. Take it up, take it up higher 4 degrees now, 4 degrees warmer Give in now, give in now And let me in
+ 2
I always viewed this and message from harry manback as kind of companion songs. If you don't know German then you hear von Satan as this Hitler character and some kind of rally pumping up the minions with his evil plan. Instead its just a recipe for Hash Brownies, with no eggs. Them imagine if you didn't understand English and hear message from harry manback…. Soft piano playing in the background, a guy speaking softly with a relatively calm voice. You could almost say the song musically has a romantic feeling. But when the lyrics are understood or translated. We find that its a series of threats. Promising destruction by black magic among other things. .... I think the idea was the contrast of the 2 songs. If you don't understand the language the message is 180 degrees in the other direction. Very clever.
+ 2
Well documented already but 46 & 2 is about human evolution evolving into a species with 44& 6 chromosomes instead of 44 & 4. This extra pair will result in a shared consciousness. The shadow is a Jungian concept... the shadow is what you hid in yourself from yourself. The deep down secrets that you are mostly unware of. Picking scabs, digging deeper and other statements made here are all referring to Shadow work. Pick and dig delve into the shadow and find these things then either embrace them or exorcise them..... Opinions differ here. I tend towards exorcise. But many psychiatrists say embrace.
Tool – Eulogy
Aug 26, 2019
- 0
The song is about Bill Hicks who was an old friend of the band and comedian. You can hear part pf Bill Hicks routine at the beginning of 3rd eye. Maynard was angry that Hicks committed suicide. Which went against everything he had said in his comic routine. He loved the guy but at the same time is saying grow up! Life sucks sometimes so stop feeling sorry for yourself. Get off your f*kin cross. Because the world just sees you as another useless martyr.
Tool – Schism
Aug 26, 2019
+ 17
I totally disagree with most suggested meanings. To me its simply about the lifespan of a failed relationship. 2 lovers meet a schism eventually develops which kills communication between them. Turning into cold silence and all the bricks tumble. Its just about a failed relationship. Nothing to do with the lovers that shouldn't be lovers.
+ 15
This is like 46&2 pt 2. Its about taking on the ego and defeating something internal...most likely fear or pride based on the title. ..The "deceiver" is the ego. The antagonist fighting the ego to exorcise fear or pride....Think of the movie "Revolver". A common these for tool songs.
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