Nowhere To Run lyrics by Stegosaurus Rex, 16 meanings. Nowhere To Run explained, official 2024 song lyrics |
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Stegosaurus Rex – Nowhere To Run lyrics
You're gonna die
I'm gonna kill you
You're gonna die
I'm gonna kill you

Feeling all blue
I've got no more time
They all hate me
Because of my crime

Their threats come at me
Their voices are loud
All to condemn me
My face is still proud

You were my good friend
I saved you before
I thought you turned good now
But you asked for some more

You had to provoke me
So I beat you
Watched your skull bleed
So now I feel blue

Out of ideas
Nowhere to run
Looking right down
Barrel of a gun

And so I dream
Voices in my head
Delusions mock me
My best friend is dead

I feel no guilt
But I she'd a tear
I see your dead body
With the blood all smeared

A bird sings a song
It's all for you
Outside it's so warm
And the skies are all blue

You're gonna die
I'm gonna kill you
You're gonna die
I'm gonna kill you

Lyrics taken from /lyrics/s/stegosaurus_rex/nowhere_to_run.html

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Nowhere To Run meanings Post my meaning

  • U
    + 83
    Hello person browsing this comment, honestly we all want to know the true meaning behind this song. Well fortunately I have some information for you! First of all, how did Stegosaurus Rex create this song? Stegosaurus Rex wanted to make a decent vocalized and mysterious song. He had no ideas on what the song should be. So surprisingly, Stegosaurus Rex called his little brother over. He told his younger brother to say anything he liked, and Stegosaurus will turn the words into a song. The words the little brother said were, "You're gonna die" and "I'm gonna kill you." Stegosaurus Rex then decided to make a murder case based song, "Nowhere To Run." The song is about two boys who passed each other. One of the boys reached their limit and shot their friend. After he did, he felt the guilt and sadness trip over him, regretting he had never killed his friend. He still loved his friend and regretted ever doing such a thing, such as taking his life. The police arrive, and other people surround the scene. Calling him names, and a monster, he thought he was. He knew he couldn't go back, he had "Nowhere To Run."

    Hope this helped you <3
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  • U
    + 26
    this song always makes me sad. everytime I hear it I imagine 2 robots that became friends during an apocalypse but were torn apart from each other and corrupted by the two sides and forced to kill each other. they didn’t want to but their minds were corrupted and destroyed so that they just became killing machines despite loving eachother. idk I just thought I’d share this
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  • U
    + 20
    When I hear this song, this is what I think it’s about: So in the lyrics “You’re gonna die, I’m gonna kill you.” The voices switch the lower voice saying the first line, and a higher voice saying the second line. I’ve thought this as the deeper voice is trying trying to tell its best friend that murdering people will get them killed. But the best friend won’t listen or maybe even is crazy, and threatens to kill the deeper voice. So the deeper voice kills it’s friend to make it stop, and to save its own life. Instead, the deeper voice gets blamed for the death, instead of self- defense, and the deeper voice regrets killing its friend well because… Would you feel bad for killing your friend, crazy or not? I mean, it’s gotta weigh heavy on your consciousness.
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  • U
    + 16
    ignore the first one- i messed up lmao. i developed a better theory.
    ill post it again on this one:

    i imagine this song as being about two best friends (lets call them 1 (deeper voice saying youre gonna die) and 2 (higher voice saying im gonna kill you)). 2 was addicted to ecstasy, and had relapsed despite getting clean with the help of 1. 1 is saying that if they dont stay clean, theyre gonna die, but the lack of drugs in their system (from 1 throwing the drugs out) has made them homicidal unless 1 gives the drugs back. essentially, 2 has contacted their dealer to get more, but using 1s money. 1 is furious, and 2 is getting violent. 1 fights back in self defense, and 2 pulls a gun on 1. 1 only had the option of shooting 2 (their best friend) in order to make it out alive. 1 is distraught, and stares down the barrel of the gun, horrified at what they had just done. 1 had shot 2 in the head. having 'nowhere to run', they sit and suffer, with others calling them a monster for what 1 did to 2, because 1 stopped speaking and couldnt explain that it was in self-defense, and spend the rest of their life regretting what they had to do to 2 and being called a monster for it. anyways, thats just what i think.
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  • U
    + 14
    Just reading the lyrics let's us know the meaning, but I like to imagine this as just one person singing the song. A person who forced their own self to change. They tried to save their old self, trying to love themselves, but the dissatisfaction and dislike towards it made them decide to end it. The voice saying "I'm gonna kill you" Is the new version while "you're gonna die" Is the real self warning them that killing their old self would kill them too. Rest of the lyrics is about how hurting and numbing the process was but people still criticised them. Again, it's just how I imagine it.
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  • U
    + 11
    I think that this song is about someone who killed their good friend whom they gave another chance to not do something? But the friend did whatever it was, and the person singing the song felt bad afterwards. On trials, the person gets called names. That was my interpretation. ♡
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  • U
    + 10
    i imagine this song as being about two best friends (lets call them 1 (deeper voice saying youre gonna die) and 2 (higher voice saying im gonna kill you)). 2 was addicted to ecstasy, and had relapsed despite getting clean with the help of 1. 1 is saying that if they dont stay clean, theyre gonna die, but the lack of drugs in their system (from 1 throwing the drugs out) has made them homicidal unless 1 gives the drugs back. essentially, 2 has contacted their dealer to get more, but using 1s money. 1 is furious, and 2 is getting violent. 1 fights back in self defense, and 2 pulls a gun on 1. 1 only had the option of shooting 2 (their best friend) in order to make it out alive. 1 is distraught, and stares down the barrel of the gun, horrified at what they had just done. 1 had shot 2 in the head. having 'nowhere to run', they sit and suffer, with others calling them a monster for what 1 did to 2, because 1 stopped speaking and couldnt explain that it was in self-defense, and spend the rest of their life regretting what they had to do to 2 and being called a monster for it. anyways, thats just what i think.
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  • U
    + 9
    i imagine this song as being about two best friends (lets call them 1 (deeper voice saying youre gonna die) and 2 (higher voice saying im gonna kill you)). 2 was addicted to ecstasy, and had relapsed despite getting clean with the help of 1. 1 is saying that if they dont stay clean, theyre gonna die, but the lack of drugs in their system (from 1 throwing the drugs out) has made them homicidal unless 1 gives the drugs back. essentially, 2 has contacted their dealer to get more, but using 1s money. 1 is furious, and 2 is getting violent. 1 fights back in self defense, and 2 is hell-bent on killing 1. 1 only had the option of fighting back, and eventually ends up accidentally beating 2 (their best friend) to death in order to make it out alive. 1 is distraught. having 'nowhere to run', 1 sits and suffers, with others calling them a monster for what 1 did to 2, because 1 stopped speaking and couldnt explain that it was in self-defense, and spend the rest of their life regretting what they had to do to 2 and being called a monster for it. eventually, 1 committed suicide because of the guilt and the trauma. they committed suicide via gun, therefore the verse 'looking right down the barrel of a gun' was implemented. anyways, thats just what i think.
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  • U
    + 5
    The other theories make a lot of sense, but this phrase right here: "I feel no guilt, but I shed a tear." and "All to condemn me, my face is still proud." This literally shuts down any other meaning aside from the narrator's NOT regretting they killed their best friend.
    This is just my interpretation of this song: The 'killer' has a mental illness. "Voices in my head, delusions mock me" is a sign of a mental illness called schizophrenia. The voices in his head were too much to the point where he ended up killing his best friend. The next lyrics are about the aftermath, where the killer knows he has nowhere to run.
    Now, "You're gonna die; I'm gonna kill you." For me, the one who said "I'm gonna kill you" is the voice inside the killer's mind, which makes the song have a perspective on the murderer. "A bird sings a song, it's all for you." is another sign that the killer killed their best friend for their own good, as if to "protect" the best friend. This adds more meaning to the killer's killing their best friend as a way to keep them safe.
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  • U
    + 1
    The other theories make a lot of sense, but this phrase right here: "I feel no guilt, but I shed a tear." and "All to condemn me, my face is still proud." This literally shuts down any other meaning aside from the narrator's NOT regretting they killed their best friend.
    This is just my interpretation of this song: The 'killer' has a mental illness. "Voices in my head, delusions mock me" is a sign of a mental illness called schizophrenia. The voices in his head were too much to the point where he ended up killing his best friend. The next lyrics are about the aftermath, where the killer knows he has nowhere to run.
    Now, "You're gonna die; I'm gonna kill you." For me, the one who said "I'm gonna kill you" is the voice inside the killer's mind, which makes the song have a perspective on the murderer. "A bird sings a song, it's all for you." is another sign that the killer killed their best friend for their own good, as if to "protect" the best friend. This adds more meaning to the killer's killing their best friend as a way to keep them safe.
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  • s
    + 1
    What i reckon is the verse Ive got no more time they all hate me for my crime is saying that he killed hs friend (hense the verse i look down barral of a gun no where to run) and had no time to run from the police and people are calling them a monster for that and he is feeling proud regardless the shouts of hate and grief and nowhere to run is base saying that he cant do anything beacuse of the sadness of their friend being dead and has to commit :( Suicide taking thre own life. My other theroy is Tat the verse Youre gonna die im gonna kill you is him killing his friend(Your goona die) and then his overthinking mind of geif and sadness saying taht its going to kill him( im gonna kill you) Anyways thats my theroy whats yours
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  • U
    Here's what I think:

    There were two good friends. They looked out for each other. One of the friends was I'll in the head. (Their voices to loud, all to condemn me. Voices in my head, delusions mock me) either schizophrenia or some other illness. Anyways, the friend who was sane (Let's call Bob) and the I'll friend (Let's call Joe) were good friends for years. They even save each other's lives (You were my good friend, I saved you before). So Bob has been quite a bitch to Joe recently. Something Bob did annoyed Joe, a lot. So One day, Joe snapped. His concious got the best of him, Bob provoked him (You had to provoke me, so I beat you. Watched your skull bleed. But you asked for some more). And so Joe shot Bob in the head (Watched your skull bleed. Barrel of a gun). Now, Joe didn't feel too bad. Besides some sadness, Joe was merely sad for a bit (I feel no guilt, but I shed a tear. Now I feel blue. My best friend is dead. My face is still proud). Joe's action eventually goes against him when people shun him for killing Bob (Their threats come at me).

    I conclusion, one ill guy killed his friend and barely has any remorse.
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  • U
    Personally, I think the "You're gonna die" and "I'm gonna kill you" verses are the voices in the person who killed their best friend's head. My theory is, the person who was desperate to kill their friend was mentally unstable and had personal problems. When both friends had the fight with each other, one of them was uncontrollable and decided to kill their best friend, due to what happened. Many people from their town must've heard about the murder attempt that the person did, and hated him for what they did. Apparently, they felt no guilt for killing their friend, but deep down they missed them very much, and regret ever killing them. Since the person had "Nowhere to Run" (and no ideas) supposedly, they must've attempted to commit suicide by using a gun, after all the trauma and problems they've faced after their friends death. (Which might be why it says "barrel of a gun").
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  • U
    - 1
    2 best friends begin to indulge in a dispute. A long boiling fight has been on the horizon as a result of their deteriorating relationship. An argument between the 2 drives the (deeper voiced) friend into an episode of madness. While in this state, he beats his best friend to death with some sort of blunt object, as quoted by the song, (So, I beat you, watched your skull bleed and now I feel blue) The police, bystanders and other authorities arrive and begin to call him vicious names. After being cornered like this, he had nowhere to run.
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  • U
    - 4
    Basically after hearing the song on repeat, I think that the singer had a good and trustful relationship with a person. The person had fallen into trouble before and the singer saved him too, and probably he had asked him not to do certain stuff to provoke him(the singer). However, his rules were not followed and he maybe shot or smashed his friends skull. But when he realized this was wrong, and felt guilty, he became sad, and the police and some people were near the scene or something. He somehow managed to escape, but he has 'Nowhere to Run'. He has nowhere to run after what he has done.
    That's it guys, I know the first meaning sounds very accurate but what if this could be one (even tho they are alike)...
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  • U
    - 9
    Hello I like this song, and I think that the song means that there's like a murder on the lose and the person who is singing the song is the murder, and also killed their bestfriend and their a monster to others and them self. And they are saying "Your gonna die" " I'm gonna kill you" Because their going to try and kill someone else?
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    • U
      + 83
      Hello person browsing this comment, honestly we all want to know the true meaning behind this song.... Read more →
    • U
      + 26
      this song always makes me sad. everytime I hear it I imagine 2 robots that became friends during an... Read more →

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