Ever homeward, ever homeward, till the journey's over.
Warm embraces and friendly faces, saying welcome home,
Let me lie there 'neath the sky there, never more to roam.
Ever homeward, ever homeward, yearns the weary rover.
Ever homeward, over homeward, now the journey's over.
Ever homeward, ever homeward, yearns the weary rover.
Ever homeward, over homeward, now the journey's over.
Ever homeward, ever homeward, yearns the weary rover, Ever homeward, ever homeward, till the journey's over. Warm embraces and friendly faces, saying welcome home, Let me lie there 'neath the sky there, never more to roam. Ever homeward, ever homeward, yearns the weary rover. Ever homeward, over homeward, now the journey's over. Ever homeward, ever homeward, yearns the weary rover. Ever homeward, over homeward, now the journey's over. Explain Request ×
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